Monday, April 27, 2009

ever wondered where all the volence in the world comes from? There are four main contributing factors to all the violence in American society. First is from the media, specifically the news. Everytime something happens in the world, whether its close to home or over seas, it's always brodcasted on our news channels, and most of the time it somehoe involved someone being shot, killed or murdered. Some crazy people out there will (and possibly could have) see these things on T.V, then go out and attempt what they saw. second, comes from the games that are peing released for game systems such as Xbox and playstation. Games like Halo concentrated cpecifically on killing. Third, comes from movies. Movies now are gradually getting more and more violent, even childrens movies such as disney. remember back in the old disney movies, there was always connections to nature, such as in Bambi, and always having a theme to teach moral lessons. Now, we even disney movies include violence to keep up with our rapidly changing intrests. Therefore, violence is constantly being thrust upon everyperson in society in someway. wheather it is through news, movies, 0r games we are somehow all effected by violence.